Do you have a few hours a week or days on a regular basis when you could help us as a volunteer driver? We require you to have a clean driving licence, your own car and your permission to carry out a DBS check. Mileage allowance is paid for any driving you carry out for us.

Please contact us on 01904 551441
or contact Karen on karen.woodward@york.nhs.uk.

01904 630080

About York Wheels

About York Wheels

York Wheels Ltd is a registered Charity and was set up in 1988. Our aim is to provide transport services for the benefit of the community. The service is for elderly persons or people who have mobility problems and are unable to use public transport.

York Wheels Ltd is managed by a Board with representatives from City of York Council, staff, volunteers and customers so that all sections of the organisation can bring their experience to bear. All are Trustees of the Charity.

Our Charity Number is 1096926 – pleaseĀ click here for further information. Our VAT Registration Number is 100 2702 89.

York Wheels currently employs an Office Manager and 2 part time administration assistants to assist in the day to day running of York Wheels.

Our team

  • Rob Atkinson (Treasurer)
  • Janet Turpin (Secretary)
  • Dave Turpin (Trustee)
  • Richard Carberry (Trustee)
  • Steve Mortimer (Trustee)
  • Nigel Rhodes (Trustee)
  • David Rhodes (Trustee)
  • Kathryn Farthing (Trustee)
  • Sean Lavery ( York Wheels Customer Representative)
  • Tracy Flannery (Staff Representative)
Company secretary
  • Janet Turpin
Office Manager
  • Karen Woodward
Administration assistants
  • Sheila Smith
  • Tracy Flannery